We provide law firms with defensible, well-reasoned equipment appraisals and appraisal reviews for litigation, transactional, estate, tax and family law.
As an Accredited Senior Appraiser (ASA) with the American Society of Appraisers and a CPA, Jack Young provides valuable litigation support services. Attorneys and their clients can depend on his defensible, unbiased, and professionally researched opinions based upon logic and reason. As an expert witness, he provides clear and reasoned oral testimony based on defendable USPAP review standards that can withstand the scrutiny of the legal system.
Law firms need appraisals and expert witness services for litigation cases, family law, insurance disputes, partnership / shareholder dissolution, lease buy-outs and other disputative situations. We provide comprehensive and dependable valuation services of commercial industrial equipment – agricultural, manufacturing, wineries, construction, trucking, food processing and restaurants as well as many niche industries.
In addition to his work with family law and litigation attorneys, Jack has been a court-appointed expert in CA Section 2000 cases and has often served as a jointly retained expert in family law cases. Jack teaches Appraisal Review and Management accreditation courses — classes he co-authored — for the American Society of Appraisers and is well qualified to produce equipment appraisals for use in litigation and to review equipment appraisals submitted in legal cases.