Jo Crescent, NorCal Valuation’s operations manager and co-owner, earned her ASA in Appraisal Review and Management (ARM) in January. In addition to full ARM accreditation, the American Society of Appraisers offers two other options for those interested in ARM: a discipline-specific specialty designation for current Accredited Senior Appraisers in its other disciplines and an ARM certificate of completion.
Featured in the latest ARM e-journal and the NorCal ASA Chapter March 2022 Newsletter as the first non-accredited applicant to be approved as an Accredited Senior Appraiser by ASA under the updated POV courses and accreditation pathway, Jo is enthusiastic about how well the ARM designation complements her writing and editing experience.
Instead of focusing on the traditional use of appraisal review, she enjoys working one-on-one with attorneys and appraisers to help develop highly effective appraisal reports and review reports for litigation. As one attorney remarked, clear and well-organized reports are more persuasive and make an attorney’s life easier. Jo works with opposing attorneys on expert rebuttal reports and with retaining attorneys to help the appraisers involved produce clear and effective reports that can be easily understood by intended users and triers of fact. She also edits legal briefs for attorneys involved in appraisal review situations.
“The more involved I got in the appraisal business, the more interesting the appraisal process became. I plunged right into the MTS classes, but by the time I came up for air after ME203, I had to admit that equipment appraisal was not my path into the profession. Math is not my strength. In college, I took a logic course, which was recommended to me as ‘math for poets’ … It was pretty exciting around the office when Jack started working with Bob Podwalny to redevelop ARM. It didn’t take long before I realized that appraisal review could be my opportunity to earn an ASA.”
An ASA member since 2011, Jo has over a decade of experience with equipment appraisal and completed three of ASA’s Machinery & Equipment (MTS) POV classes. Her first appraisal review training was the Appraisal Institute’s General Review Theory Class in October 2016.
Jo was developmental editor of the 4th edition of Valuing Machinery and Equipment: The Fundamentals of Appraising Machinery and Technical Assets and other ASA publications. She currently edits for the ARM E-Journal and the MTS Journal. Jo earned her BA at the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Georgia, while working as a manager at the university printing department.
If you’re interested in how an ASA ARM with editorial experience could benefit you or your clients, you’re welcome to send her an email through our contact form or call directly at 530.564.1838.
Publication Update 2023
Jo has published 2 articles on report writing in the ARM E-Journal, official publication of the ASA Appraisal Review & Management Discipline.