USPAP Equipment & Business Asset Appraisal Services
NorCal Valuation Inc. provides comprehensive USPAP Machinery and Equipment Appraisal Reports for attorneys, law firms, corporations and CPA firms. Our equipment appraisal reports are structured to the scope of your specific project. We provide independent and unbiased services with the highest level of responsiveness to your particular equipment and business asset valuation needs, including buy/sell agreements or disputes and ad valorem tax appeals.
Although we work with auctioneers and equipment dealers for market research and trends, we are not an auction firm, equipment dealers or jobbers and we never take a financial interest in anything that we appraise.

Equipment Appraisal Reports
Our USPAP compliant machinery and equipment appraisal reports include physical inspection of items appraised with descriptions and relevant serial numbers, pictures and individual values for the items in question. Your equipment appraisal report will explain the context of the equipment appraisal and will have detailed explanation of the terms used; the report will be complete unto itself and be fully applicable to its intended use and intended user(s). Your machinery and equipment appraisal report will be professionally researched using an appropriate variety of sources and techniques.

Expert Witness Services
As an accredited equipment appraiser with a CPA designation and background, Jack Young provides valuable expert witness services. We provide defendable USPAP machinery and equipment appraisals that can withstand the scrutiny of the legal system. You will want us on your legal team.

Fees for Appraisal Services
Appraisal fees are directly related to your specific appraisal needs. Before beginning the equipment appraisal process, we consult with you to carefully review your specific situation, assess precisely which appraisal services you need, and determine the required scope of work for your situation. Before we begin, you’ll have a quote for the exact machinery and equipment appraisal you need.
Our professional services agreement will specify either a fee range or a not-to-exceed price based on the estimated time to complete the specified equipment appraisal task. We require a signed written agreement and a retainer to begin the equipment and machinery appraisal, with balance paid upon delivery of the equipment appraisal report.